
Parallel Positioning

Power Flame offers a variety of Parallel Positioning Systems designed to control the air and fuel ratio of the burner more closely than a conventional linkaged type system. Individually driven servos ensure the fuel and air are mixed more precisely over the entire operating range of the burner thus reducing the excess oxygen required to achieve complete combustion. Lower excess oxygen levels result in more efficient combustion and a significant reduction in fuel costs.

As a dual fuel system you can program separate fuel/air ratio curves for the gaseous and liquid fuels. There are a variety of systems that includes a separate servo to control the induced FGR in conjunction with the air and fuel. Utilizing iFGR allows you to reduce NOx emissions by inducing a small amount of flue gas to limit the peak flame temperatures. These programmable features are common with similar systems manufactured by Fireye, Auto Flame, Lamtec and Siemens. Power Flame offers all of these systems on a majority of our burners.

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